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Shopware PaaS is available at request for Shopware merchants. Please approach the Shopware Sales to get more information on Shopware PaaS

Shopware PaaS is a platform-as-a-service to host, deploy and scale for your individual Shopware project. It comes with full flexibility and code ownership of a self-hosted Shopware project, but takes away the complexity of building custom infrastructure, build and testing pipelines, or deployment automation.

Get started by installing the PaaS CLI on your local development machine.

Getting started with PaaS - How to deploy your first project




1.) Create a local Shopware project on your laptop

composer create-project shopware/production demo --no-interaction --ignore-platform-reqs

2.) Enter the folder newly created

cd /demo

3.) Install the PaaS composer package

composer req paas

4.) Initialize your local Git repository

git init

5.) Add all the existing files to Git

git add .

6.) Create your first commit

git commit -am "initial commit"

7.) Configure the PaaS CLI with your project_id

shopware project:set-remote PROJECT_ID

Where PROJECT_ID is the project_id of your empty project.

8.) Push the code to Shopware PaaS

git push shopware

Step-by-step guide

The sub-pages describe a more detailed step-by-step guide that you can follow to set up your PaaS project.

First, make sure your PaaS CLI is set up correctly. Once your PaaS CLI is up and running, it is time to set up your project repository.

When your repository is set up correctly, you are ready to push and deploy your project to the PaaS environment.

You can look into setting up Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ and/or Fastly to further enhance the performance of your PaaS project.

Finally, do not forget each PaaS project comes with Blackfire which will help you to monitor the response time and investigate performance issues of your project.

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