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Installation from Scratch

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Installation from Scratch


This approach is no longer recommended. It is kept here as a reference.

If it is impossible to get Docker up and running on your development environment, you can install Shopware 6 locally.


Be aware that this will be a vastly more complex solution since additional system requirements then need to be managed by you. However, you may experience better control over your local setup configuration.


  • A Linux-based operating system (Windows installation is not covered here, but notes are provided about installing within a WSL instance).
  • An Apache2 server installation within the Linux-based operating system you have selected.
  • Installation of all the required packages mentioned in the Installation overview. There are two main goals you need to accomplish.

Please note that this guide is based on plugin development and contribution. If you need a template for full composer-based shop projects, refer to the production template.

Setting up your web server

Firstly, we need to set up Apache to locate Shopware 6. If you wish, you could configure Nginx to serve your shopware installation, but this guide explains to you about Apache2 installation.

VHost configuration

Firstly, you must add a vhost definition to your Apache site configuration.

  • Create a file with the following pattern: /etc/apache2/sites-available/*.conf. Here we will create a file called /etc/apache2/sites-available/shopware-install.conf

  • Within the created shopware-install.conf file, place the following configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName "HOST_NAME"
   DocumentRoot _DEVELOPMENT_DIR_/public

   <Directory _DEVELOPMENT_DIR_>
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
      AllowOverride All
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all
      Require all granted

   ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.error.log
   CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/shopware-platform.access.log combined
   LogLevel debug
  • Symlink the shopware-install.conf file to the Apache2 sites-enabled directory:
sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/shopware-install.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/shopware-install.conf
  • Restart the Apache2 service to activate your new configuration:
# Your mileage with this command may vary depending on your chosen Linux operating system
sudo service apache2 restart

Domain URL naming

When making an instance within an integration like WSL, special attention needs to be given to how you name the URL you use for local development. In the case of Shopware setup, it is advised to enable 'localhostForwarding' (allow requests to localhost to be forwarded to open ports within your active WSL instance). An example configuration in your .wslconfig file could be:

localhostForwarding=true # set this setting to true to be forwarded to WSL


If your WSL instance is already running after making changes to your .wslconfig file, you will need to restart your WSL service with wsl --shutdown, then wsl for the config settings to take effect.

Once localhostForwarding is enabled, you should update your local development domain name in you Apache2 sites-available config file as follows:


...where 'xxxxxx' should be replaced with a 'hyphen/underscore separated' string.


Make sure the APP_URL variable defined within your [PROJECT_ROOT]/.env file matches the ServerName value within your Apache2 Vhost configuration

Apache2 server configuration

Make sure the following Apache modules are enabled:

  • mod_rewrite
  • mod_headers
  • mod_negotiation


Checking if these modules are installed on Apache is possible with the command apachectl -M | grep [module_name]. When searching for a specific module with grep make sure only to use the name suffix, such as "rewrite"

After a quick restart of Apache, you are done.


For Mac (OSX) operating systems:

In your Apache config, it is recommended to move the document root folder to the user's $HOME folder to avoid permission issues. This is the folder which Apache looks to serve a file from. By default, the document root is configured as /usr/local/var/www.

As this is a development machine, let's assume you want to change the document root to point to a folder in your home directory. Search for the term "DocumentRoot" in your httpd.conf apache configuration, and you should see the following line:

DocumentRoot "/usr/local/var/www"

Change this to point to your user directory where your_user is the name of your user account:

DocumentRoot /Users/your_user/Sites/sw6/public

You also need to change the tag reference right below the "DocumentRoot" line. This should also be changed to point to your new document root:

<Directory "/Users/your_user/Sites/sw6/public">

Within your Apache configuration, you must set your DocumentRoot and Directory directive to the public/ folder of your sw6 installation root. Otherwise, apache2 will not successfully find your index.php file and serve the site.

Setting up Shopware

Before you set up Shopware, you need to clone our Shopware repositories from version control. This is explained in the "Preparatory steps" paragraph of the Installation overview.

Starting Shopware installation

A simple CLI installation wizard can be invoked by executing the following:


Now, Shopware 6 is installed. To be sure the installation succeeded, just open the configured host URL in your favorite browser.

Updating the repositories

It is important to keep the platform and the development repository in sync.

The following steps should always yield a positive result:

git pull
cd platform
git pull
cd ..
composer update
rm -R var/cache/*
./psh.phar install


Note that this will reset your database.

Next steps

Now that you got a running Shopware installation, why not start with your first very own plugin? Refer to the Plugin base guide for a good starting point.