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Add Custom Assets

Add Custom Assets


When working with an own plugin, the usage of own custom images or other assets is a natural requirement. So of course you can do that in Shopware. In this guide we will discover together how it's possible to add and use custom assets in your Shopware plugin.


In order to be able to start with this guide, you need to have an own plugin running. As to most guides, this guide is also built upon the Plugin base guide

Needless to say, you should have your image or another asset at hand to work with.

Adding custom assets to your plugin

In order to add custom assets to your theme, you need to create a new folder called public inside the src/Resources directory of your plugin. Here you're able to store your assets files, so please feel free to save your image there - we'll do the same thing in our example plugin.

# PluginRoot
├── composer.json
└── src
    ├── Resources
   ├── public
   └── your-image.png <-- Asset file here
    └── SwagBasicExample.php

Afterwards, you need to make sure your plugin assets are copied over to the public/bundles folder. However, don't to this by hand - the command bin/console assets:install will take care of it.

# shopware-root/public/bundles
├── administration
├── framework
├── storefront
└── swagbasicexample
    └── your-image.png <-- Your asset is copied here

Linking to assets

Using custom assets in your template

Let's think about a simple example, displaying our image right in the base template of the Storefront. In there we're able to link our assets by simply using the asset function Symfony provides:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/views/storefront/base.html.twig
{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig' %}

{% block base_main %}

    {# Using asset function to display our custom asset #}
    <img src="{{ asset('bundles/swagbasicexample/image.png', 'asset') }}">
    {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

That's basically all you need to do to link your plugin's custom assets.

Using custom assets in your CSS files

There's one more interesting possibility though. If you want, you can use your custom asset in your CSS files. Look at the following example:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/base.scss
body {
    background-image: url("/bundles/swagbasicexample/image.png");

You see, we can use our custom assets by using the asset path provided by the bundle directory.

Adding custom assets in themes

Of course, you're able to use custom assets in themes as well. In this context there's another way on integration custom assets into your theme. Please take a look on the guide about adding assets to a theme for further detail:

Add assets to a Theme

Next steps

One of the said custom assets are medias. For more information on that, refer to Media and thumbnails.