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App development with

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App development with


This guide will walk you through the process of developing your app on with your local Shopware setup.

Forwarding requests

In order to register your local Shopware instance to your app on you need to be able to connect from to your client.
To do so, you need to forward the request from your app to your local Shopware instance. This can be done with port forwarding. This means that every request which is addressed to localhost:8000 on your app will be forwarded to your defined port to your client.
But why would the app send requests to localhost? This happens when your app wants to communicate with your local Shopware instance which should run on localhost:8000. Then your app will send each request to localhost:8000 which then should get forwarded to your client to the port where Shopware is running on.

How does this work in practice?

To accomplish this, just copy the command from which can be found in the top right corner and paste it into your terminal. This should look something like this ssh
To make the authentication much easier we recommend installing the cli and log in into your project.

To redirect the requests you need to add the option -R with a few parameters to the copied command.
First you define the port on the remote server which needs to be forwarded. In our case this is port 8000. The second parameter is the destination on your client. This will be your local Shopware instance which is running on localhost:8000.
If you put everything together this should look something like this ssh -R 8000:localhost:8000 The last thing you have to do is to change all URLs in your manifest.xml to point to your URL and you are done.
For further information have a look at remote forwarding.

Switching between and local development

The best way to switch from to your local setup and vice versa is to have two manifest.xml files.
Create the first one for your setup with bin/console app:create-manifest APP_NAME=PlatformshSetup APP_URL_CLIENT= APP_URL_BACKEND= and the other one for your local setup with
bin/console app:create-manifest APP_NAME=LocalSetup APP_URL_CLIENT=http://localhost/your-local-client-url APP_URL_BACKEND=http://localhost/your-local-backend-url Then place them in development/custom/apps/your-app-name/manifest.xml and you are good to go.

Once you switch to local development you have to make sure to change your APP_URL of your Shopware instance in your development/.psh.yaml.override back to http://localhost:8000. This can be done as follows:

  APP_URL: "http://localhost:8000"

And vice versa change it to http://shopware for development with
After changing your APP_URL you need to execute bin/console app:url-change:resolve. More about this [PLACEHOLDER-LINK: app-url-change documentation].