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Data Loading script services reference

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Data Loading script services reference

services.repository (Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Facade\RepositoryFacade)

The repository service allows you to query data, that is stored inside shopware. Keep in mind that your app needs to have the correct permissions for the data it queries through this service.

  • The search() method allows you to search for Entities that match a given criteria.

  • Returns Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\EntitySearchResult

    A EntitySearchResult including all entities that matched your criteria.

  • Arguments:

    • string entityName: The name of the Entity you want to search for, e.g. product or media.
    • array criteria: The criteria used for your search.
  • Examples:

    • Load a single product.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'ids': [ hook.productId ]
      } %}
      {% set product ='product', criteria).first %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myProduct', product) %}
    • Filter the search result.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'filter': [
              { 'field': 'productNumber', 'type': 'equals', 'value': 'p1' }
      } %}
      {% set product ='product', criteria).first %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myProduct', product) %}
    • Add associations that should be included in the result.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'ids': [ hook.productId ],
          'associations': {
              'manufacturer': {}
      } %}
      {% set product ='product', criteria).first %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myProduct', product) %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myManufacturer', product.manufacturer) %}


  • The ids() method allows you to search for the Ids of Entities that match a given criteria.

  • Returns Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\IdSearchResult

    A IdSearchResult including all entity-ids that matched your criteria.

  • Arguments:

    • string entityName: The name of the Entity you want to search for, e.g. product or media.
    • array criteria: The criteria used for your search.
  • Examples:

    • Get the Ids of products with the given ProductNumber.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'filter': [
              { 'field': 'productNumber', 'type': 'equals', 'value': 'p1' }
      } %}
      {% set productIds = services.repository.ids('product', criteria).ids %}
      {% do page.addArrayExtension('myProductIds', {
          'ids': productIds
      }) %}


  • The aggregate() method allows you to execute aggregations specified in the given criteria.

  • Returns Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\AggregationResult\AggregationResultCollection

    A AggregationResultCollection including the results of the aggregations you specified in the criteria.

  • Arguments:

    • string entityName: The name of the Entity you want to aggregate data on, e.g. product or media.
    • array criteria: The criteria that define your aggregations.
  • Examples:

    • Aggregate data for multiple entities, e.g. the sum of the gross price of all products.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'aggregations': [
              { 'name': 'sumOfPrices', 'type': 'sum', 'field': 'price.gross' }
      } %}
      {% set sumResult = services.repository.aggregate('product', criteria).get('sumOfPrices') %}
      {% do page.addArrayExtension('myProductAggregations', {
          'sum': sumResult.getSum
      }) %} (Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Facade\SalesChannelRepositoryFacade)

The store service can be used to access publicly available store-api data. As the data is publicly available your app does not need any additional permissions to use this service, however querying data and also loading associations is restricted to the entities that are also available through the store-api.

Notice that the returned entities are already processed for the Storefront, this means that e.g. product prices are already calculated based on the current context.


  • The search() method allows you to search for Entities that match a given criteria.

  • Returns Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\EntitySearchResult

    A EntitySearchResult including all entities that matched your criteria.

  • Arguments:

    • string entityName: The name of the Entity you want to search for, e.g. product or media.
    • array criteria: The criteria used for your search.
  • Examples:

    • Load a single storefront product.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'ids': [ hook.productId ]
      } %}
      {% set product ='product', criteria).first %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myProduct', product) %}
    • Filter the search result.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'filter': [
              { 'field': 'productNumber', 'type': 'equals', 'value': 'p1' }
      } %}
      {% set product ='product', criteria).first %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myProduct', product) %}
    • Add associations that should be included in the result.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'ids': [ hook.productId ],
          'associations': {
              'manufacturer': {}
      } %}
      {% set product ='product', criteria).first %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myProduct', product) %}
      {% do page.addExtension('myManufacturer', product.manufacturer) %}


  • The ids() method allows you to search for the Ids of Entities that match a given criteria.

  • Returns Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\IdSearchResult

    A IdSearchResult including all entity-ids that matched your criteria.

  • Arguments:

    • string entityName: The name of the Entity you want to search for, e.g. product or media.
    • array criteria: The criteria used for your search.
  • Examples:

    • Get the Ids of products with the given ProductNumber.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'filter': [
              { 'field': 'productNumber', 'type': 'equals', 'value': 'p1' }
      } %}
      {% set productIds ='product', criteria).ids %}
      {% do page.addArrayExtension('myProductIds', {
          'ids': productIds
      }) %}


  • The aggregate() method allows you to execute aggregations specified in the given criteria.

  • Returns Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\AggregationResult\AggregationResultCollection

    A AggregationResultCollection including the results of the aggregations you specified in the criteria.

  • Arguments:

    • string entityName: The name of the Entity you want to aggregate data on, e.g. product or media.
    • array criteria: The criteria that define your aggregations.
  • Examples:

    • Aggregate data for multiple entities, e.g. the sum of the children of all products.

      {% set page = %}
      {# @var page \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Page #}
      {% set criteria = {
          'aggregations': [
              { 'name': 'sumOfChildren', 'type': 'sum', 'field': 'childCount' }
      } %}
      {% set sumResult ='product', criteria).get('sumOfChildren') %}
      {% do page.addArrayExtension('myProductAggregations', {
          'sum': sumResult.getSum
      }) %}