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In this guide, you will learn about the system health check in Shopware. System health checks are a way to monitor the health of a system and detect failures early.

You can find the core concepts well-defined in the Concepts section of the documentation System Checks

Triggering System Checks

The system checks can be invoked either through the CLI or via an HTTP API.

  • By calling the endpoint /api/_info/system-health-check
    • the HTTP response code only indicates the status of the request, not the status of the checks
  • By calling the CLI command system:check
    • The command returns status 0 if all checks are healthy, 1 if any check is marked as unhealthy, and 2 if the call is invalid. See Understanding the Check Results

The CLI command defaults to using the cli execution context. You can change the execution context by passing the --context option. The available options are cli, pre-rollout, and recurrent. When calling the HTTP endpoint, the execution context is always web

Shopware default flow

The default flow of Shopware system checks is done via: Shopware\Core\Framework\SystemCheck\SystemChecker

The SystemChecker class makes sure the system is working correctly by running all the registered system checks in a series. The following behavior is observed:

  • Order of Checks: It runs checks in a specific order, grouped by types.
  • Skipping Checks: Some checks are skipped if they aren’t allowed to run or if a major problem is found early on.
  • Stopping Early: If a check in the SYSTEM type group is marked as healthy = false, it stops running more checks.

Custom flow

All the system checks in Shopware are tagged with shopware.system_check, so you can also fetch all the checks using the Symfony service locator. and run them in your custom flow.

class CustomSystemChecker
   public function __construct(private readonly iterable $checks)

    public function check(): array
       # ... add your custom logic here
<service id="YourNamepace\CustomSystemChecker">
    <argument type="tagged_iterator" tag="shopware.system_check"/>

Custom triggers

For customized triggers, you can also inject the Shopware\Core\Framework\SystemCheck\SystemChecker service into your service and trigger the checks programmatically.

$results = $systemChecker->check(SystemCheckExecutionContext::WEB);
# or also use any custom logic you might have...

Understanding the Check Results

The Shopware\Core\Framework\SystemCheck\Check\Result class represents the outcome of a system check in Shopware. Helping further diagnosis.

All the properties in the Result class, are objective in nature, so there usually is one clear interpretation. except the healthy flag, which is subjective.

In principle, regardless of the actual status of the check, the healthy flag should be set to:

  • true if the system can still function normally
  • false if the system cannot function normally
  • null if it cannot be determined