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Add Custom Listing Filters

Add Custom Listing Filters


In an online shop, filters are an important feature. So you might use filters in your custom plugin. This guide will get you covered on how to implement your own, custom filters in Shopware's Storefront.


Before you start reading this guide, make sure you got an own plugin installed to work with. If you need a starting point for that, see this guide:

Plugin Base Guide

Create new Filter

At first, you need to create a subscriber. In this example, we will call it ExampleListingSubscriber. If you are not sure on working with subscribers, please refer to the guide on working with events in Shopware:

Listening to events

As usual, we will start by creating this new class in the same path as you're seeing in Shopware's core - /src/Subscriber/ExampleListingSubscriber.php.

New listing filters, e.g. for your product listing, can be registered via the event \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Events\ProductListingCollectFilterEvent This event was introduced to enable every developer to specify the metadata for a filter. The handling, meaning if and how a filter is added, is done by Shopware's core:

    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            ProductListingCollectFilterEvent::class => 'addFilter'

After that, you can start to actually add your custom filters. Arguably an important step is to define your filter. Therefore, you're able to use the Filter class, including the parameters below:

nameUnique name of the filter
filteredSet this option to true if this filter is active
aggregationsDefines aggregations behind a filter. Sometimes a filter contains multiple aggregations like properties
filterSets the DAL filter which should be added to the criteria
valuesDefines the values which will be added as currentFilter to the result
excludeConfigure exclusions

As a result, an example filter could look like this:

$filter = new Filter(
    // name

    // filtered

    // aggregations
    [new EntityAggregation('manufacturer', 'product.manufacturerId', 'product_manufacturer')],

    // filter
    new EqualsAnyFilter('product.manufacturerId', $ids),

    // values

Inside the ProductListingCollectFilterEvent, you get the existing filters, can define your new custom filters and merge them into the existing ones. Here is a complete example implementation, adding a filter on the product information isCloseout. Please note the comments for explanation:

// <plugin root>/src/Subscriber/ExampleListingSubscriber.php
class ExampleListingSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    // register event
    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            ProductListingCollectFilterEvent::class => 'addFilter'

    public function addFilter(ProductListingCollectFilterEvent $event): void
        // fetch existing filters
        $filters = $event->getFilters();
        $request = $event->getRequest();

        $filtered = (bool) $request->get('isCloseout');

        $filter = new Filter(
            // unique name of the filter

            // defines if this filter is active

            // Defines aggregations behind a filter. A filter can contain multiple aggregations like properties
                new FilterAggregation(
                    new MaxAggregation('active', 'product.isCloseout'),
                    [new EqualsFilter('product.isCloseout', true)]

            // defines the DAL filter which should be added to the criteria   
            new EqualsFilter('product.isCloseout', true),

            // defines the values which will be added as currentFilter to the result

        // Add your custom filter

Add your filter to the Storefront UI

Well, fine - you successfully created a filter via subscriber. However, you want to enable your shop customer to use it, right? Now you need to integrate your filter in the Storefront. Let's start by searching the template file you need to extend in Shopware's Storefront. It's this one - src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig.

In this template, the existing filters are contained in the block component_filter_panel_items. We are going to extend this block with our new filter. If you're not sure on how to customize templates in the Storefront, we got you covered with another guide:

Customize templates


The block component_filter_panel_items is available from Shopware Version

Including our filter will be done as seen below, please take the comments into account:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/views/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig
{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig' %}

{% block component_filter_panel_items %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {# We'll include our filter element here #}
    {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/listing/filter/filter-boolean.html.twig' with {
        name: 'isCloseout',
        displayName: 'Closeout'
    } %}
{% endblock %}

As we want to filter a boolean value, we choose the filter-boolean component here. Sure, there are some more you can use - dependent on your filter's values:

filter-booleanA filter to display boolean values
filter-multi-selectFilters with multiple values
filter-property-selectA filter tailored specifically for properties
filter-rangeDisplays a range which can be used for filtering
filter-rating-select and filter-rating-select-itemFilter component for rating

Extending component_filter_panel_items as shown above puts our filter after the already existing ones. We could put it at the beginning by moving the parent() call to the end of the block.

If we instead want our filter to be placed before or after a specific filter in the middle of the list, we can instead extend the block for that filter. For example, if we want our filter to be displayed after the price filter, we would extend the block component_filter_panel_item_price:

// <plugin root>/src/Resources/views/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig
{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/listing/filter-panel.html.twig' %}

{% block component_filter_panel_item_price %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {# We'll include our filter element here #}
    {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/listing/filter/filter-boolean.html.twig' with {
        name: 'isCloseout',
        displayName: 'Closeout'
    } %}
{% endblock %}

Next steps

To add custom sorting options to your listing in the Storefront, head over to the corresponding guide.