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Create Elements (CMS)

Create Elements (CMS) ​

Start with importing the correct element type from the composables-next package and using it in the defineProps method to define the type of your content property:

<!-- components/cms/CmsElementImage.vue -->

<script setup lang="ts">
import { CmsElementImage } from "@shopware-pwa/composables-next";

const props = defineProps<{
  content: CmsElementImage;

Now, you can use props.content to access all properties of the element in your template.

<!-- components/cms/CmsElementImage.vue -->

<script setup lang="ts">
// see above

    <img :src="" />

However, for some elements the configuration can be quite complex, so there are composables to give you a hand:

<!-- components/cms/CmsElementImage.vue -->

<script setup lang="ts">
import { CmsElementImage, useCmsElementImage } from "@shopware-pwa/composables-next";

const props = defineProps<{
    content: CmsElementImage

const {
    containerStyle, // padding, background-color etc.
    displayMode, // cover, contain, stretch etc.
    imageAttrs, // automatically resolves src, alt and srcset attributes
} = useCmsElementImage(props.content);

    <div :style="containerStyle">
        <img v-bind="imageAttrs"/>